The Risks of Being Self-Employed and Injured.

Injuries and Self Employment | ØY18

Title: The Dark Side of Self-Employment: When Work-Related Injuries Strike


In this video, we delve into one of the less glamorous aspects of being self-employed – the risk of work-related injury. Our guest speakers, Dan from DMH Electrical and Ben from Entire Renewables, share their personal experiences and insights on the topic.

Is this the worst thing about being self-employed? Dan from DMH electrical and Ben from entire renewables join me to do another podcast to talk about the downsides of being self-employed, and the cost of work-related injuries.

Video Content:
We discuss the various ways that self-employed individuals can be injured on the job – from physical strains and sprains, to serious accidents and incidents. Our guests highlight the importance of taking preventative measures, from regular rest and stretching breaks to investing in quality safety equipment.

We also consider the financial implications of work-related injuries, including medical bills, lost income, and insurance coverage. Our guests give their advice on how to prepare for the unexpected and protect yourself as a self-employed worker.

This video sheds light on an often-overlooked aspect of self-employment – the potential risks and costs associated with work-related injuries. We hope this information will help self-employed individuals take steps to prioritize their health and safety, and mitigate the financial impact of unexpected injuries.

self-employment, work-related injuries, injury prevention, safety equipment, medical bills, insurance coverage, financial preparedness, DMH Electrical, Entire Renewables

#selfemployment #workrelatedinjuries #injuryprevention #safetyequipment #medicalbills #insurancecoverage #financialpreparedness #DMHElectrical #EntireRenewables