Silage baling and wrapping using specialized equipment.

A.W.Millbank Contracting baling silage || Mchale f550 & orbital wrapper

Title: Mastering the Art of Silage Baling: A.W.Millbank Contracting’s Mchale F550 and Orbital Wrapper in Action


Welcome to A.W.Millbank Contracting’s expert demonstration of silage baling using the Mchale F550 and orbital wrapper. Our team of highly proficient technical engineers showcases the efficiency and precision of the equipment, providing a visually rich and informative overview that aims to help you master the art of silage baling.

Our demonstration takes place in the lush green paddocks of Millbank Farms, where we’ve been using the Mchale F550 and orbital wrapper for years. The Mchale F550 rounds up hay and turns it into compact bales, using its cutting-edge features for precision cutting and bale density control. The bales then pass through our Orbital Wrapper, where they’re wrapped tightly in airtight plastic for storage.

We’ll walk you through every step of the process, explaining how to optimize the baling process using the Mchale F550 and Orbital Wrapper for maximum efficiency. Our team will demonstrate how to spread the grass evenly, adjust the baling density, and manage the speed control of the tractor.

To bolster the durability of the silage bales, we’ve included the use of our Bale Surfacers (Patented by James, Liam and Richard Millbank) which have already shown promising results in reducing wastage and thinning.

Our team will also share insights and tips on how to identify and troubleshoot common issues that can arise during the baling process. We’ll talk about maintenance requirements and preventive measures to ensure that your equipment lasts longer and performs optimally.

We understand the importance of providing an excellent and seamless experience when it comes to silage baling, which is why we only trust in reliable and high-quality baling equipment such as the Mchale F550 and Orbital Wrapper. With this video, we aim to educate and empower you to take your silage baling efforts to the next level.

Hashtags: #silagebaling #MchaleF550 #OrbitalWrapper #A.W.MillbankContracting #balingequipment