Title: 90 Degrees Hydraulic Mold Reversing/Overturning/Flipping Machine – The Best Way to Upside Down Your Mold!
Get ready to flip your mold to 90 degrees with our hydraulic reversing and overturning machine. This machine is designed to make your molding process more efficient, cost-effective, and safe. With one smooth movement, you can flip your mold, saving time and effort while providing excellent results.
Video Content:
Our 90-degree hydraulic mold reversing/overturning/flipping machine is suitable for various industries, and we can design and customize it according to customer requirements. Our machine can lift, flip, and turn your mold up to 90 degrees with perfect precision.
The machine has been designed with safety in mind; it has a robust and stable structure, coupled with a hydraulic overload protection system. This feature ensures that your mold is safe during the flipping process, and no damage will be done to the mold.
The hydraulic system of the machine is equipped with an oil filter, which ensures the longevity of the machine, and the hydraulic oil is always clean. The reversing and overturning function of the machine is easy to control, thanks to the hydraulic power unit, and the control panel is intuitive and user-friendly.
Our 90-degree hydraulic mold reversing/overturning/flipping machine can be used for both small and large molds, and its lifting capacity can be up to 50 tons. With its versatile design, it is the perfect tool for any molding process, whether it is for plastic, metal, or other materials.
In summary, our 90-degree hydraulic mold reversing/overturning/flipping machine is the best way to flip your mold. It is safe, efficient, and precise, ensuring that your molding process goes smoothly. For more information, please contact us on WhatsApp or WeChat: +8615853855174, or email us at liuchunliang12@163.com. #moldflippingmachine #hydraulicflippingmachine #moldreversingmachine #moldoverturningmachine #moldupside #upsideyourmold