Title: Novatec – Sorting, Weighing & Packing Line For Potatoes
In this informative video, we will be providing you with valuable insights into Novatec’s Sorting, Weighing & Packing Line For Potatoes. This revolutionary product offers a variety of benefits, and we’re excited to bring them to you.
Video Content:
Novatec’s Sorting, Weighing & Packing Line For Potatoes is the best solution for potato producers who want fast and reliable packaging. Kompir, one of our Bulgarian clients, has recently implemented this revolutionary technology and has seen a significant increase in productivity. The system has a capacity of up to 60 bags per minute and up to 20 tonnes per hour.
This innovative packing line is equipped with the latest Daumar Packing Machines, which ensure the highest quality and accuracy when weighing, sorting and packing potatoes. Whether you are in the business of selling potatoes to supermarkets or packaging purely for exports, this technology is the perfect investment.
Our Sorting, Weighing & Packing Line is an all-in-one solution that ensures your potatoes are well sorted, weighed and packed in a timely manner. This allows you to optimize your production and generate more revenue.
Additional Tags and Keywords:
Sorting Line, Weighing, Packing, Potatoes Sorting, Potato Weighing, Potato Packing, Kompir, Bulgaria, Daumar Packing Machines, Potato Sorting Machines, Potato Weighing Machines, Potato Packing Machines
#Novatec #SortingLine #Weighing #Packing #PotatoesSorting #PotatoWeighing #PotatoPacking #Kompir #Bulgaria #DaumarPackingMachines