Title: MBV’s Kevin Shields on His First Signature Pedal: Fender Shields Blender
Learn about MBV’s Kevin Shields’ first signature pedal – the Fender Shields Blender. In this video, Shields shares some insights into the making of the pedal and talks about its unique features.
Video Content:
Kevin Shields talks about his experience working with Fender on his signature pedal. He explains how the pedal has a unique blend feature that allows it to combine two sounds in a single instrument. Shields shares details about his inspiration for the pedal and how it fits into his personal sound and style.
The Fender Shields Blender pedal has a mix knob that can help you combine two sounds in varying degrees. So, if you’re looking for some creative sound options, this pedal could be the perfect fit for you. Shields talks about some of the different combinations you can create with the pedal, including distortion, chorus, and tremolo effects.
This pedal is perfect for guitarists who want more control over their sound. It’s easy to use and can be used to create some truly unique sounds. Shields also shares some tips on how to get the most out of the pedal.
Overall, the Fender Shields Blender is a unique and innovative pedal that is perfect for guitarists looking to add something special to their sound. With its blend feature and easy-to-use controls, it’s a great pedal for both beginners and experienced musicians. If you’re looking to try something new and exciting, this pedal is definitely worth checking out.
Additional tags and keywords: Fender, Kevin Shields, signature pedal, guitar pedal, guitar effects, blender pedal, unique sound, innovative, distortion, chorus, tremolo, sound control
Hashtags: #FenderShieldsBlender #KevinShields #signaturepedal #guitareffects #unique sound #innovativepedal #distortion #chorus #tremolo #soundcontrol