“Fighting Foulness: How to Prevent Algae Mold in Your Survival Water Filter”

**LIFE HACK Stop Algae Mold in Survival Water Filter – Easy Berkey Water Filter Trick**

Looking for a life hack to keep algae and mold out of your survival water filter? Say no more! In this video, we will show you a simple and effective Berkey water filter trick to keep your water safe and clean.

Video Content:
Algae and mold are common problems that survivalists face when using water filters. Luckily, with this Berkey water filter trick, you’ll be able to keep them out of your filter and drink clean water all the time. To start, you’ll need a Berkey water filter and replacement filters.

Step 1: Disassemble your Berkey water filter and remove the top and bottom chambers.

Step 2: Fill the bottom chamber with water and add a few drops of bleach. Use a 10:1 ratio of water to bleach.

Step 3: Mix the bleach solution well and let it soak for a few hours.

Step 4: After soaking, empty the bleach solution and rinse the filter thoroughly with clean water.

Step 5: Reassemble your Berkey water filter and repeat the process every few months to keep your filter free from algae and mold.

This Berkey water filter trick is easy, effective and will keep your water safe to drink.

In addition to this life hack, check out our Berkey water filters and replacement filters on Amazon for a reliable, long-lasting filtration solution.

Algae and mold can be a serious health hazard when using water filters, but with this easy Berkey water filter trick, you’ll be able to drink clean water worry-free. Try it out and let us know in the comments how it worked for you!

Hashtags: #lifehack #berkeywaterfilter #survivalwater #cleanwater