Effective, Inexpensive Raised Bed Filling: Use 1/3 Fill Method.

Principles for Filling Raised Beds Cheaply, Effectively & Almost Free: Follow the 1/3 Fill Method!

Principles for Filling Raised Beds Cheaply, Effectively & Almost Free: Follow the 1/3 Fill Method!

In this video, we’ll be discussing the basic principles for filling raised beds cheaply, effectively, and almost free by following the 1/3 fill method.

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To start, the 1/3 fill method is best suited for larger sided raised beds around 15 inches or higher. For smaller raised beds, a 50/50 mix of topsoil and compost will suffice. It’s important to note that raised beds should never be completely filled with potting soil or topsoil, as this can become expensive and lower the quality of the soil.

The 1/3 fill method involves using a lower-cost base layer, such as wood chips or dried leaves, at the bottom third of the bed. This not only saves money, but also promotes better soil drainage and aeration. The middle third should consist of a high-quality compost mix, which acts as a nutrient-rich layer for your plants to grow in. Finally, the top third should consist of a soil mix. This layer can be a mix of topsoil and potting soil, or even leftover soil from previous gardening seasons.

By following the 1/3 fill method, you can create a raised bed garden that is not only cost effective, but also promotes better plant growth, drainage, and aeration. Plus, it’s a great way to repurpose wood chips, leaves, and other organic materials that may have gone to waste.

Additional Tags and Keywords:
raised beds, gardening, gardening tips, plant growth, soil drainage, soil aeration, compost, wood chips, dried leaves, gardening on a budget, cost-effective gardening

#raisedbeds #gardeningtips #soilhealth #budgetgardening #compost #woodchips

Thank you for watching and happy gardening!