Title: Incredible 2005 Fadal VMC 4020HT CNC Vertical Mill w/Pallet Changer – Resell CNC
This amazing 2005 Fadal VMC 4020HT CNC Vertical Mill w/Pallet Changer – Item 07674 is now available for sale from Resell CNC! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own this impressive piece of machinery.
With numerous impressive features and capabilities, this Fadal mill is the perfect addition to any shop. Equipped with a powerful 10,000 RPM spindle and the ability to hold up to 20 tools, this mill is perfect for a wide range of machining needs.
The Fadal VMC 4020HT CNC Vertical Mill w/Pallet Changer is designed for precision, speed, and efficiency. It features a 40″x20″ table and a maximum weight capacity of 3,500 pounds, making it ideal for even the largest and most complex projects.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this Fadal mill is sure to impress. So why wait? Contact Resell CNC today to learn more about this incredible piece of machinery and take your machining capabilities to the next level.
Tags: Fadal VMC 4020HT CNC Vertical Mill, Pallet Changer, Resell CNC, 2005 Fadal VMC, CNC Milling, Vertical Milling Machine, Machining Centers.
Hashtags: #FadalVMC4020HT #CNCVerticalMill #PalletChanger #ResellCNC #2005FadalVMC #CNCMilling #VerticalMillingMachine #MachiningCenters.