Title: “Watch Stunning Footage of Große Buchen Being Transported with Oehler Kombikipper and Forstkran – Deutz-Fahr Agroplus”
Get ready to witness an awe-inspiring sight as we bring you exclusive footage of Große Buchen being transported with the help of some of the most advanced machinery – Oehler Kombikipper and Forstkran, both mounted on the powerful Deutz-Fahr Agroplus tractor. In this video, we show you how these innovative tools are used to make the forestry industry more efficient and sustainable.
Video Content:
The video starts with an introduction to Große Buchen – a species of beech tree that can grow up to 50 meters. We then move on to the main focus of the video – the use of Oehler Kombikipper and Forstkran to transport these large trees. We explain how the Kombikipper is used to move the tree from the ground onto the trailer, and how the Forstkran is used to load and unload it. We also mention the safety precautions that are taken during this process.
The video then takes you through a step-by-step demonstration of how these machines work in perfect harmony to transport the trees. We show close-up shots of the Oehler Kombikipper and Forstkran in action, highlighting their key features and innovative design. We also provide interesting facts about these machines – such as their lifting capacity, engine power, and the number of hydraulic functions they have.
In the end, you’ll be left in awe of the incredible precision and efficiency with which these machines transport such large and heavy trees. This is truly remarkable machinery that is revolutionizing the forestry industry.
Tags and Keywords:
Oehler Kombikipper, Forstkran, Deutz-Fahr Agroplus, Große Buchen, beech tree, forestry industry, efficiency, sustainability, machinery, lifting capacity, engine power, hydraulic functions.
#OehlerKombikipper #Forstkran #DeutzFahrAgroplus #GroßeBuchen #ForestryIndustry #Efficiency #Sustainability #Machinery #LiftingCapacity #EnginePower #HydraulicFunctions.
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