Title: Autobag Accu Count 200 – Revolutionizing Counting and Packaging Systems
In this video, we showcase Autobag®’s latest innovation – the Accu Count® 200 – Counting & Packaging System. This system takes the drudgery out of manual counting, packaging and labeling. It automates the process which not only saves time and manpower but also reduces the risk of errors.
The Autobag® Accu Count® 200 system is perfect for packaging small parts, hardware, fasteners, and electronics components. It can count up to 2,500 parts per minute with accuracy as high as 99.9%, which is an impressive feat.
This easy-to-use system can work with various baggers and labelers for more seamless operation. It also has a touch screen interface, which makes it simple to operate and get the job done with ease.
If you’re looking to increase productivity while maintaining accuracy, the Autobag® Accu Count® 200 – Counting & Packaging System is the right choice for you.
Key Takeaways:
– Autobag® Accu Count® 200 system automates the counting, packaging, and labeling process
– The system counts up to 2,500 parts per minute with accuracy as high as 99.9%
– Easy to use with touch screen interface
– Perfect for packaging small parts, hardware, fasteners, and electronics components
Keywords: Autobag, Accu Count 200, Counting & Packaging System, automation, small parts, hardware, fasteners, electronics components, touch screen interface.
Tags: counting and packaging system, small parts packaging, hardware packaging, fasteners packaging, electronics components packaging.
Hashtags: #Autobag #AccuCount200 #PackagingSystem #Automation #Productivity #SmallParts #Hardware #Fasteners #ElectronicsComponents #TouchScreenInterface