Title: Semi-Automatic Orbital Wrapper Neleo 160 with Bubble Dispenser – Your Ultimate Packaging Solution by Plasticband!
Are you tired of the tedious and time-consuming process of hand wrapping your products? Introducing the semi-automatic orbital wrapper Neleo 160 from Plasticband, the ultimate packaging solution that simplifies your product wrapping process. With a built-in bubble dispenser, this semi-automatic orbital wrapper not only increases productivity but also ensures the safety of your fragile products during transit.
At Plasticband, we understand the importance of secure and efficient packaging for your business. That’s why we designed the Neleo 160 to perform in tough working environments and ensure long-lasting durability.
Designed with your business in mind, this semi-automatic orbital wrapper features a user-friendly interface that reduces human error and minimizes downtime. With its adjustable base, Neleo 160 fits a wide range of product sizes and accommodates up to 2000 mm wrap widths. Whether you need to wrap large pallets or small boxes, the Neleo 160 is up for the challenge!
Weighing only 230 kgs, this lightweight machine is easy to operate, transport, and position. The automatic film stretcher and cutter features increase its efficiency and ensure uniform film distribution, providing you with superior wrapping quality and reducing your waste.
Here at Plasticband, we pride ourselves on our customer-centric approach and complete support for our products. Choosing the right supplier for your business is critical, and we stand behind our Neleo 160 with industry-leading warranties and expert technical support to ensure the longevity of your investment.
In conclusion, the semi-automatic orbital wrapper Neleo 160 offers the perfect solution for your product packaging needs. Join the thousands of satisfied Plasticband customers who trust us for their packaging needs, and experience the difference of reliable, efficient, and durable product wrapping!
Tags: #orbitalwrapper #semiautomaticwrapper #neleo160 #bubblewrapdispenser #plasticband
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