Title: High-Speed 330ml Plastic Bottle Pure Water Filling, Labeling, and Packing Line in Customer Factory
Looking for a high-speed and efficient way to fill, label, and pack your pure water bottles? Look no further than Sheenstar’s 330ml Plastic Bottle Pure Water Filling Labeling and Packing line, which has been running in the customer factory for over 3 years with great success.
The fully automated line includes bottle blowing and unscrambling, rinsing, filling, capping, labeling, and packing. With a production capacity of up to 10,000 bottles per hour, this line is perfect for mid-sized and large pure water bottling operations.
The line is easy to operate and maintain, with a user-friendly touch screen control system. And with high-quality stainless steel construction, you can trust that your pure water bottles will be filled with pure, safe water every time.
Don’t settle for inferior filling and labeling systems. Upgrade your operations with Sheenstar’s 330ml Plastic Bottle Pure Water Filling Labeling and Packing line today!
330ml Plastic Bottle, Pure Water, Filling line, Labeling line, Packing line, Sheenstar, Customer Factory, Automation, Touch Screen Control, Stainless Steel Construction
#330mlBottleFillingLine #PureWaterLabelingLine #PackingLine #Sheenstar #CustomerFactory #Automation #StainlessSteelConstruction